Wednesday, January 31, 2007


This month's suggestion has come from Gilgamesh - Leekspin, also known as ievan polka, performed by the group loituma. ITS NOT A TUMA.

I'll be interested to see if anyone attempts a cover.

Here's a quick one I did. Here.

Sunday, January 28, 2007



Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The results of the first of many competitions.

You can still post entries if you like, but after a month and a few days it's time to highlight the entries we've had:

I'm sure everyone will agree that Gilgamesh wins, with not one but TWO entries, both of which were brilliant. I heard can't touch this on someone's radio the other week and was constantly expecting it to burst into some horse love.

Mystery Bob also had a lovely entry with his Spacker Calypso Remix, which I have chosen to blame for a recent pina colada binge. It was definitely in my head at one point when I was mixing the drinks. Never again.

The equally mysterious 'gorecki' has posted a more than decent tune, but has not left any clue as to who he or she may be. Gorecki, if you're reading this, let me know an email I can send the invite to and you can make new posts.

Onion Terror also shot off two entries, both of which fit the spirit of the game perfectly.

As is his wont, Rapitinui comes up the rear with his midi goodness - I still plan on making an entry and I'll probably be using this in it somewhere.

If you're still working on it, please don't give up. By now everyone should understand the torture of listening to something you love more than 500 times in a row. If this post has fallen down the page by the time you finish, don't hold back - just make a new post with a link to the original one. I have my creative and uncreative times, I'm sure most people are the same. You can't hurry love.

In terms of new compos, most posts should be a challenge in themselves to the other members. Post an idea for a song, some lyrics you've written, guitar riffs, little loops etc and see what other people come up with. I'll be going through the old posts here and doing my bit to show what I mean, but as I mentioned earlier, I am stuck in a musical rut right now and I need to leave it alone for a month or two and come back fresh.

There might still be announced competitions in the future, this was certainly great. Thanks to everyone that sent me this suggestion, it got me off my arse and actually doing it. Actually, I was on my arse when I did it, so even better. Feel free to announce your own competition if you have an idea, there should be more than one going at any given time.

Anyways, this is getting a bit long and I don't want this place to turn into all text, so here's a song I did a long while ago that should work with Rapitinui's baroque hip-hop track, but my midi converter is broke. Does anyone want to attempt it? Can anyone convert to an mp3 it so I can too? Do something different if you have other ideas.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Prepare to have your worlds rocked.

I'm an idiot has joined the blog.

shit i need to do in the near future:
1. write music.
2. buy new microphone to record music.
3. buy midi cable for keyboard to connect to computer.
4. buy new guitar.
5. buy distortion pedal or phaser.
6. fix didgeridoo.
7. finish carving didgeridoo stand.
8. relearn how to play the piano.
9. find some way to communicate with band in order to make more music.
10. get a job to pay for crap i need to buy.
11. buy more herb.

till the day that all these are complete (or just the most important ones) there's going to be a lot of silence from me on here.
about as much as i can give you right now is that i'm writing piano and guitar parts (with guestimates of elementary drums) for a song called The Funk Jet, as well as about 20 other unnamed songs simultaneously.
take care as always.
loves and kisses.

Friday, January 05, 2007

I had plans this summer.

Plans to make this into a bit more than a blog - I'd love to make this into a proper website, where it isn't so hard for people to join up and have some fun.

Alas, my plans are dashed, as I have to go back to work on Monday. This can become an ongoing project.

In the meantime, I still haven't even put in an entry to the I love horses competition. I'll do one, but I'm having a bit of a blank right now.

As much as I'd love to post something I've done with someone else's stuff from here, I'm not happy with anything new that I've done so I'm going to just go ahead and post something else I'll probably never finish.

I'm probably going to have to register a different name because seems to be a dating service. I like the mental image of a horny old woman typing "twelve angry men" into a search engine.

If anyone would like to help out with the site, I'd love to hear from you (those that have already volunteered, you'll hear from me soon please thankyou). In the meantime, anyone that wants to join in and post some music, just let me know who you are (with an email address, create a new account if you want - I just need to send the invite somewhere) and I'll send you an invite. I'll work out a way of making it easier for people to join up soon.

Also, I'm sure most of you have a site or two of your own, let me know if you want a link on the side or some shit.