Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Pins & Needles

Today, I come bearing a gift. An electropop gift. An electropop gift which I have made for you.

Well not really, it's a super-secret demo of a new song - sans-guitar and sans-vocals. It may end up in the pile marked 'rejected songs', but then again, it may not.

Pins & Needles

It was created soley by myself, using FL Studio 6, and an assortment of collected VST instruments. I hope that you enjoy it.

EDIT : Like a spastic, I deleted it from my server - it's re-uploaded now though :)


gronkpan said...

I like it!

Do you have a copy of that End Boss Motherfucker track you did? That one was great.

Treasure Island Dizzy said...

I'm currently re-writing it, as the old version didn't really go anywhere. It will probably end up on the 7" i'm releasing in the US next Spring, but i'll debut a version of it here :)

Rapitinui said...

Sweet! I like this more than Daft Punk..
also, "Treasure Island Dizzy" comes right before "Trouser Freak" in my itunes.


"tha real" james said...


mugatu said...

haha nice one.