Monday, November 27, 2006

*tries blog on for size* perfect fit!

I've been rummaging around my hard disk and found a couple of tracks I made a year or so ago, that I thought i'd share. This one is called
Seek Help and is a tough house track with old school hoovers. I'll upload another one at some point soon, and hopefully get my act together and make something new!


gronkpan said...

Nice one!

I'm sure my laptop speakers aren't doing it justice...

My headphones are broken.

Anonymous said...

Interesting. I was bored at work a few weeks back and decided to try and start a similar thing on myspace.

Go have a look -

Unlike you I've not actually managed to get any tracks up there but the principle's the same...

Join in!

Tahkcalb said...

Nice and very "Club"-esk.