Sunday, November 26, 2006

Let this be the hastily assembled, likely to be changed FAQ.

I want people to feel free to post whatever stuff they want, be it little loops, guitar solos, harmonica farts, or entire finished songs but the idea for this place is to be more of a "we made this" thing than an "I made this" thing.

I got a bit carried away typing on my whore-post when it should have really been put over here. Read the above. I'll add new rules in the comments of this post, and if you have any questions about what I'm aiming for here, or why people are pissed off at you, put the comments on this one. I'd like people's posts to have interesting discussions/offers for help etc rather than people whining about the rules.

The most important thing is that there shouldn't be too many rules if people are going to have fun here.

The two golden rules are:

1: Don't be a cunt
2: Please recognise that someone might have put a lot of time into their stuff, if you don't like it, either offer constructive criticism, fix it yourself or DON'T POST A COMMENT. People will get the message if no-one ever responds to their posts.

From here on in, I'll just be amending this to further explain exactly what "Don't be a cunt" means should the need arise.

Oh, I forgot to mention - all interesting/original shapes, forms and styles of music are welcome here. Please don't post other people's work and try to pass it off as your own. That shit is wack.

edit: Tahkcalb has suggested a handy "how to" for people as well, which is a good idea.


b) a sound editing program - Cool edit pro is my weapon of choice, but I don't get many people agreeing with me. Now that I think about it, very few people agree at all when it comes to sound editing programs. Some noteworthy ones are Acid Pro, Cubase, Reason (for advanced users) or fruityloops (for beginners). Depending on what you use, you'll need a wav to mp3 converter too - I use Alive, which has done the job nicely for me. I've never tried anything else or had a conversation with anyone about other wav to mp3 converters on the market, so if you're the discerning type of wav to mp3 user, you might want to get advice from someone else.
c) An idea of your own or the desire to see someone else's idea come to fruition
d) Hands, or maybe just a mouth and lungs
e) Depending on what you do, a musical instrument.

Step 1:Use your hands to operate your musical instrument and your computor and make the sounds sound beautiful with your new pogram.

Step 2:Host an mp3 on the internet - if you don't have your own hosting, give cr3ation a try, it's lovely.

step 3:Post a link as a comment if it is a reply to someone else, or as a new post if you're allowed. Please only post replies as new links if the old post is archived.

step 4: step 3 was the last one.

PLEASE DON'T POST WAV FILES. Try to keep your mp3s under 6mb, but if you have to go longer you have to go longer. I can respect that.


gronkpan said...

I've decided to cut a bunch of the text from my b3ta post and put it here, so it isn't a hellishly boring introduction into something that is supposed to be fun:

Everything is free to download and alter, and it will probably stay that way. I'm relying on people not stealing other people's music/ideas and trying to make money passing it off as it's their own. My only real defence against that would be to make you look like a cunt with a "it was posted here first, look at the dates" etc type of scathing flash animation, I'd probably follow that up with an online petition just to really screw you. Of course you'd probably have to get popular before I'd hear about it, so that might actually have an effect.

No one will be paid for anything including me, but if money somehow comes of this I will be completely fair and will distribute it out to contributors based on the amount and quality of their content/help. I won't be looking for ways of making money out of this unless it gets really popular. If things get popular I might put a paypal donation thing in, but I won't ever charge for song downloads - the idea of this is that you are releasing something to a large audience and seeing what great things can happen. I seriously doubt anyone will make any real money here, so don't post your life's opus and have a heart attack when everyone downloads it for free.

Tahkcalb said...

I do like the idea to keep the content free-and-reuseable.

It might be a good idea to add some how-to's and how-not-to's on "sample" usages for any submited tunes.

Some of the more popular free software out there has non-free samples or patches in their default sets. As well as many of the so called free sample sites also have uncleared material.

Just a thought to throw out early in this adventure.

gronkpan said...

Good plan - I'll have a think about that today.

gronkpan said...
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gronkpan said...

In terms of sampling, I don't really have a problem with it as long as people respect the work they're sampling and at the very least put it into a different context. It's also a good idea to just not use samples from free sample internet sites, because they will have been played out a hundred times before by other people.

Trawling for obscure samples is something of a hobby of mine...