Sunday, November 26, 2006

Anyone feel like singing?

I made this a while ago:

I'd give this song a name if it was about something

I keep either deleting what I write when I'm having a moment, or I just hate it anyway.

The general feeling I wanted here was a sort of happy, domesticated, at home with good friends kind of thing. Of course, this being the first time I've tried this, I'll take whatever I'm given.

Cr3ation is a great host, try him out if you need one. Just remember the bit about copyright files. That also applies here.

Post an mp3 or midi as a comment, if people become regular contributors I'll probably let them post. If I already know you just let me know, I'll probably let you guys run amok straight away, as long as you promise to stay on topic.


Anonymous said...

i really like that tune. can i suggest the title "vote for Nixon".

Anonymous said...

also, I always feel like singing.

gronkpan said...

It was tentatively titled "Drinking beer on the shitter", but I got bored with it. It went something like

"I'm drinking beer, on the shitter, and i'm thinking here that my life can't get much better"

I then decided that I didn't want to finish it.

Blog Author said...

It's quite a nice tune but I'd suggest simplifying the drums. It gets mixed up in parts as there's too much percussion going on. Maybe some jazz drumming would work better.

gronkpan said...

Yeah, that is a frequent criticism of my stuff, I tend to go a bit overboard on the drums.

I might try something a bit simpler in the future, but I generally don't feel happy with those tunes.